Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mad Max (1979)

Mad Max, starring a very very young Mel Gibson, is a slightly anticlimactic film following the main character Max, a highway patrolman with a slightly crazy need to for speed and carnage. The first 15 minutes of this movie are actually pretty high energy with some pretty excellent car chases. However, after the beginning the movie slowly goes downhill. The plot continues after Max kills the leader of a biker gang in the action packed first fifteen minutes and follows him while he is being chased by the rest of the gang out for revenge. Like most movies of this caliber, I expected an action packed ending with a lot of explosions and a high death count. However, the end seemed very anticlimactic to me. I pretty proceeds to take out the rest of the gang in his car while they are on motorcycles and it just isn't a very well done action sequence. The entire plot builds up to the end but when the end is reached, it sucks. Max's wife in the movie (Joanne Samuel?) does some pretty terrible acting. There isn't very much plot development, and for an action movie, the action was disappointing. If I were you I wouldn't check this one out unless you're a big Mel Gibson fan because actually does a mediocre job. This one gets a 2.5/5.

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