Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ninja Assassin (2009)

I haven't seen a new movie lately in which I have been incredibly impressed with the action, blood, and overall slaughtering of countless fantastic enemies. "Ninja Assassin" has all of these and more! This film centers around a ninja named Raizo (Rain) who was raised in a secret ninja clan called the clan of black sand. It turns out that this clan has been supplying the world's leaders with ninja assassins to carry out their dirty work. Raizo betrayed the clan because he didn't believe that what they were doing was just. After leaving the clan, he made it his passion to destroy the black sand clan or die trying. Along with this turn of events, a Europol researcher named Mika (Naomie Harris) begins to unlock the secrets of the clan of black sand and how they have been involved in many assassinations over the past 1000 years. The all-knowing clan becomes aware of this and sets out to kill Mika in order to keep their secrets. Raizo takes it upon himself to protect Mika in an all-out war against the clan.
This movie was awesome! I haven't seen a movie with this much blood in a long long time. All of the fight scenes use authentic ninja weapons (like Raizo's Kusari-gama and throwing stars) and portray ninjas as being able to blend into the darkness with less than a whisper and climb on walls and control their flesh and bone to the point of possessing the ability to heal themselves. The fight scenes utilized a great stylistic slow motion that puts into perspective all of the insane martial arts moves that Raizo pulls off, which is all visually stunning and impressive (which I would expect from the Wachowski brothers, from The Matrix triology). It's reminiscent of some typical kung-fu movies from the last decade, but is also a throwback to classic "B" movie blood and gore. "Ninja Assassin" gets a 4/5.

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